Scorpio Soul Search

An outlet for my thoughts, imagination and creative feelings!

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Why do we do what we do?

If you are like me, you will have a mind which is constantly thinking 😀

And if the mind is curious like mine, it will also be constantly searching for answers.

And if you are in the middle of your life, like me, the questions will be more focused on people, relationships, our role in life, where our slowly depleting energies should be spent and………..are we doing the right thing🤔😅

Even if you are not like me, come with me to explore my thought process☺️

It all started two days back actually or the seed was planted in my fertile mind during that time.

In an episode of Crown, the new season ( Season 5) Prince Philip is having a discussion about how scientific process helped using his DNA to identify the Romonov family that was massacred in Russia in 17th century. His companion, Lord Penney will further the discussion saying “Is the DNA helps only to identify our genetic lineage or are they have an higher role in our behavior too?” This is the seed that started germinating in different directions in my over thinking mind.

Today, it gained a further momentum and I also gave it a thrust to work my brain cells and decided to bring it out here too. 😋

I was thinking, why do I have a different perspective to an issue while my brother or sister see it differently although we share the same genetic material? Or why my son shares my feelings towards some aspects of life while my husband does not feel anything at all for the same? Is it because we (me and my son) share same genetic material that we have same feelings? How and why it varies?

There are many scientific theories and studies out there which is where I need to search my answers, I know 😁. Meanwhile, I am here and penning my thoughts down.

Why do we do what we do?

While some like to be sensitive to others’ needs and go to any length not to offend anyone, there are others who can focus only on their self actualizing needs. How many time have you seen someone, without any further thought, just parked their car in a narrow lane and went for their convenient shopping while the whole traffic comes to a standstill, owing to that one vehicle? If it is common sense that is lacking, why is it lacking for that person?

When we know clearly that we are putting the other person in an awkward position, still we do it right 😅what a sadistic pleasure!

Why did I say yes to a meeting immediately while having second thoughts on the other even though the people and circumstances may be almost similar?

An absolute darling of a person why suddenly not only refusing to accept any views but strongly demanding that everyone follow her tunes …..made me wonder! The thought continues……….🤔🫠

But is it our DNA that plays on our behavior or is it our environment or our education ( don’t believe much on it 😉) or our culture or are we an amalgamation of all these?!

I can go on and on but as my mind tells me now, these are all what make our life interesting and kept us on our toes. If only, everything and everyone’s reactions are same/ similar, we would have been brain dead, a long ago🤪

Love to hear your comments on this and guidance to further my knowledge, if you have done your research already.

As always being thankful and grateful for everything in life 🙏 With Gratitude and love 🙏😍